Many couples in Mumbai wish to experience their dream of becoming parents in reality. However, they do not know the exact time of the month to have intercourse. Some couples fear they are impotent and seek treatment from the Best IVF clinic in Mumbai.

Do you have issues in conceiving as well? Here we will look at how to schedule your intercourse to become pregnant.

The fertile window is the optimal period to have intercourse to get pregnant. The fertile window refers to a woman’s menstrual cycle when she is most likely to conceive. The length of the menstrual cycle decides the ‘fertile window.’

When an egg is discharged from your ovary, it is known as the ‘fertile window’ (ovulation). You can schedule your intercourse; you have the highest chance of becoming pregnant.

Now let us discuss the timing of intercourse:

When a full-grown egg comes out from the ovary, it leads to ovulation. As the egg travels through the fallopian tube, it gets fertilized. This egg can be fertilized if sperm is present in the fallopian tube at that time. Hence it will lead to an embryo that will develop into a baby.

If you have intercourse five days before ovulation or on the day of ovulation, you might become pregnant. However, the three days prior to the ovulation and the day of ovulation are the most fertile. Having intercourse at this time enhances your chances of becoming pregnant.

If you have intercourse before or after the fertile window, you will not be able to conceive.

How do you know if you’re ovulating?

Knowing when you ovulate might help you increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Maintain a record of your menstrual periods using a routine, a notebook, or a smartphone app for monitoring your menstrual cycle.

Keep a record of the first day and the last day of bleeding to determine the length of your menstrual cycle.

You may have heard that having too much intercourse lowers the quantity and quality of sperm. Having intercourse every 1-2 days, on the other hand, increases the chance of becoming pregnant.

So, you can make an effort to have intercourse more frequently, but don’t make it burdensome. It can lead you to stress. Over everything, the suitable number of intercourse differs for every person.

There are few helpful tips for becoming pregnant.

To increase your chances of becoming pregnant, you do not need to modify your sex practices. Here are a few additional tips to help you become more fertile:

  • A guy must ejaculate to make his partner pregnant. Though the female counterpart does not need these things to become pregnant, her orgasm helps sperm reach their intended location.
  • Your fertility will be affected if you are overweight or underweight. So try to be in proper shape.
  • Smoking raises the chance of miscarriage and decreases sperm motility. So, stay away from smoking.
  • Restrict your caffeine consumption since it reduces fertility. Limit yourself to two glasses of coffee every day.

So, is there any need to see a specialist?

Consult with a fertility professional to know the IVF cost in Mumbai if you’ve been trying to conceive but haven’t been successful. So, when should you consult a specialist?

If you’re under 35 and have been trying for a year, you can see a specialist. You can see the specialist after six months of trying if your age is more than 35.

You may also visit the IVF doctor if you have any of the following disorders:

  • Too long or too short periods
  • Endometriosis
  • Inflammation of the pelvis
  • You’ve experienced a miscarriage before.
  • An operation to correct a hernia or an issue with the testicles (for male counterpart)

Medications and techniques like artificial insemination such as IUI and IVF will help Mumbai people who have trouble conceiving.

Pregnancy can occur from any unprotected intercourse. Additionally, having intercourse at the appropriate time enhances the likelihood of success.

It might take many months to become pregnant, especially if you are in your 30s or older. You should consult a doctor if you are not happy with the result after trying for a long time.

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