MTP Abortion Clinic in Mumbai

Abortion or medical termination of pregnancy-MTP is a stigmatized term that elicits strong feelings. For a woman who undergoes the abortion has both physical and mental effects. It is a delicate topic, and a woman’s motives for needing or necessity to have an abortion are better known to her. In India, legal guidelines permit medical termination of pregnancy or abortion up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Abortion can be categorized as either a first trimester (up to 12 weeks) or a second trimester (up to 20 weeks) procedure. Although there are several abortion clinics in Mumbai, only a few are government-approved abortion clinics for up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Consulting with an experienced gynecologist in Mumbai can provide personalized guidance and support throughout the abortion process.

The majority of abortion clinics in Mumbai are only allowed to perform abortions up to the first trimester due to a lack of required expertise and facilities. It is also essential to ensure strict discipline and constant supervision when doing second-trimester MTPs, as the process is no less complex than mini-labor. At Saraogi Hospital, ours is one of the few abortion clinics in Mumbai to provide MTP in indicated cases up to 20 weeks.

Now, let’s see,

How much is he Cost of Abortion in Mumbai?

Medical abortions cost in Mumbai are between Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000, while surgical abortions cost within Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 15,000. Ensure that the abortion is performed in a reputable clinic or hospital under the care of a professional gynaecologist.

A hospital or abortion facility will be the safest choice, so don’t skimp on the gynaecologist’s credentials or the clinic’s or hospital’s integrity to save a few bucks.

Get our medically safe abortion services today.

Types of Abortion

Abortion can be accomplished in one of two ways-Medical and surgical abortion.

Medical Abortion:

This is a non-surgical abortion in which drugs are used to initiate abortion

  • Avoids surgical process.
  • No need for hospitalization.
  • Usually well tolerated by women if adequately counselled and motivated.
Medical Abortion

Disadvantages of Medical Abortion

  • It takes time (hours to days) to complete an abortion.
  • Women may experience excessive bleeding, cramping, and other temporary side effects like fever, shivering, nausea, and vomiting.
  • The patient may require several clinic visits than surgical abortion.

Removal & Cauterization of genital warts

At the first visit, the gynecologist administers a mifepristone tablet orally. Then, pass misoprostol through one of the paths like oral, vaginal, buccal, and sublingual.

Often, the gynecologist prefers the vaginal path because it offers a higher chance of success and fewer side effects than other options.

When to seek medical care during a medical abortion?

  • Prolonged heavy bleeding
  • Fever lasting more than 24 hours

Surgical Abortion:

It involves termination of conception using transcervical procedures such as vacuum aspiration, dilatation, and evacuation (D&E) under anaesthesia up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Surgical Abortion

Advantages of Surgical Abortion

  • Quick procedure.
  • Complete abortion can be easily verified by evaluating the aspirated products of conception.

Disadvantages of Surgical Abortion

  • Requires instrumentation of the uterus.
  • Minor risk of uterine or cervical trauma.
  • Needs administration of anaesthesia.
  • Requires hospitalization for at least 6 hours.

What is the Recovery Time forAbortion?

The time it takes for a woman to recover from an abortion varies from one woman to another. Usually, women who have abortions in the first trimester and have no complications feel fine after a few days. Within six weeks, the bleeding stops typically. But late-term abortions can take longer to recover.

Get our medically safe abortion services today.

Now, let’s know,

Laboratory and Other Examinations Required Before Abortion

The following tests may be performed based on individual risk factors, findings on physical examination, and available resources:

  1. Pregnancy test, if pregnancy is not confirmed
  2. Haemoglobin (Hb) test to overcome the possibility of anemia
  3. Rhesus (Rh)-test, where Rh-immunoglobulin is obtainable for Rh-negative women
  4. HIV test
  5. Other diagnostic tests can be ordered based on a patient’s medical history (kidney or liver function tests, etc.)
  6. Ultrasound, if indicated, to validate conception dating or the site of pregnancy.

If you need assistance regarding the medical termination of pregnancy, contact us and plan a consultation with our expert gynaecologist.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can the woman start having sex after an abortion?
Our body is more competent than we realize. It can cure itself. A woman knows when she is about to start intercourse physically and emotionally, depending on her comfort. Some doctors can recommend the woman to abstain for a week or two.
When will the woman get the next period after the abortion?

The menstrual cycle should start three to six weeks after the abortion. Abortion is often accompanied by bleeding and can last for a week or more. This bleeding isn’t the same as a regular menstrual cycle. More severe cramps than usual would almost certainly accompany the first period after the abortion.

When can the woman resume normal activities after the abortion?
After the treatment, the woman can return home and relax. The next day, she can resume normal activities. Avoid doing activities that make the suffering worse.
Whether you are getting oral sedation or narcotic pain killers, don’t drive for at least eight hours after the abortion. Do not drive a car for 24 hours if you take intravenous (IV) medications during the procedure.
What are the indications of incomplete abortion?

Symptoms of an incomplete abortion include:

  • Persistent heavy bleeding.
  • Discharge of blood clots.
  • Tummy pain that gets worse on cramps or contractions.
  • Flu-like symptoms or high fever.
Is there a need for a follow-up after abortion?
A mandatory weekly follow-up is not medically necessary. When a woman wishes, she can get a follow-up appointment. If a follow-up appointment is planned, it can take place within the next 7 to 14 days.
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