
Abdominal Pain After Egg Retrieval
Posted On July 2, 2024 / By / Posted in Uncategorized

Abdominal Pain After Egg Retrieval

Egg retrieval is a crucial step in IVF treatments, enabling many couples to achieve their dream of parenthood. However, experiencing upper abdominal pain after egg retrieval is not uncommon. This discomfort can...

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Menopause Before 40
Posted On June 28, 2024 / By / Posted in Uncategorized

Menopause before 40

Menopause is commonly perceived as a natural transition. It occurs typically around the age of 50. It marks the end of the menstrual cycle. This process signifies the end of a woman’s...

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1 year after miscarriage and still not pregnant
Posted On May 29, 2024 / By / Posted in Blogs

1 Year After Miscarriage and Still Not Pregnant

It’s been a year since your miscarriage, and you are still waiting for good news about getting pregnant again. This can feel tough and lonely. In this article, we will talk about...

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Lower Back Pain 5 Days After Embryo Transfer
Posted On May 27, 2024 / By / Posted in Blogs

Lower Back Pain 5 Days After Embryo Transfer

Experiencing lower back pain 5 days after embryo transfer is distressing. But, understanding its causes and remedies can offer reassurance and relief. Infertility journeys bring unique challenges and concerns. Addressing this concern...

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Lower Back Pain 3 Days After IUI
Posted On April 30, 2024 / By / Posted in Blogs

Lower Back Pain 3 Days After IUI

Lower back pain 3 days after IUI can be a common side effect. It may occur due to fertility medications or due to the procedure itself. Or it may be due to...

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16 days after embryo transfer
Posted On April 2, 2024 / By / Posted in Blogs

16 days after embryo transfer

16 days after embryo transfer is a significant milestone. During this time, you may be eagerly anticipating signs that indicate the transfer was successful and that you might be pregnant. At Saraogi...

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miscarriage after IVF 6 weeks
Posted On March 19, 2024 / By / Posted in Blogs

Miscarriage after IVF 6 weeks

Experiencing a miscarriage after IVF 6 weeks can be an emotionally and physically challenging journey for many couples. While IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) presents a beacon of hope for many aspiring parents,...

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Hemorrhagic Cyst during Pregnancy
Posted On March 12, 2024 / By / Posted in Blogs

Hemorrhagic Cyst during Pregnancy

Hemorrhagic Cyst during Pregnancy Dealing with a hemorrhagic cyst during pregnancy can be worrying, but it’s often not serious. These cysts are common and usually don’t affect your pregnancy. We’ll explain what...

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Posted On February 26, 2024 / By / Posted in Pregnancy

Pregnant at 44 after tubal ligation

Pregnant at 44 after tubal ligation Introduction- Tubal ligation is highly effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies. It can be performed post-pregnancy or at age 44, though this is rare. The risk of...

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Late Implantation After Frozen Embryo Transfer
Posted On January 9, 2024 / By / Posted in Pregnancy

Late Implantation After Frozen Embryo Transfer

Infertility, a global health concern, affects an estimated 10-15% of couples worldwide. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is an advanced medical procedure. It offers a strategic approach to conception. Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)...

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