Did you know that women are born with a limited supply of eggs? Yes, you read it right. You are born with all the eggs, and as time passes, the egg reserve starts diminishing.
Low ovarian reserve means your egg quality and quantity are lower than expected at your age. This condition occurs when your ovaries produce lesser eggs which are harder to fertilize. It affects your fertility, making it difficult for you to conceive.
Follow the chart for a better understanding:

20 weeks of gestation: 6 to 7 million eggs
Birth: 1 to 2 million eggs
Puberty: 300000 to 500000 eggs
Above 37 years: approximately 25000 eggs
At menopause: around 1000 eggs
As you can see, the number of eggs steadily decreases as we age. But there are other factors also that deplete your egg reserve faster. We have discussed this issue later on in the article.
Low ovarian reserve can affect anyone at any age. Luckily, there are treatments availablethat can help you conceive.
If you have been trying to get pregnant for more than a year without success, it’s time to seek help.
Dr. Mohit Saraogi is a prominent fertility specialist and gynecologist in Mumbai having years of experience in helping women with infertility conceive and become a parent. He will diagnose the root cause of your problem and recommend the best treatment options tailored to your needs.
You can consult him at Saraogi Hospital, a state-of-the-art IVF centre in Mumbai renowned for affordable and effective fertility treatments and procedures.
What are the causes of low ovarian reserve?
The other factors other than ageing that reduce your egg reserves are:
- Pelvic infection
- Prior ovarian surgery
- Endometriosis
- Radiation
- Chemotherapy
- Mumps
- Smoking
- Autoimmune diseases
- Genetic abnormalities
- Tubal disease
Sometimes, there is no obvious reason for this condition.
Are there any symptoms of low ovarian reserve?
Generally, there are not many symptoms that indicate low egg reserve.However, a woman with this condition may experience:
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Amenorrhea
- Short menstrual cycles
- Difficulty in conceiving
- Miscarriage
You need to consult a gynecologist if you face any of the above issues and have a hard time getting pregnant.
How is low ovarian reserve diagnosed?
According to Dr. Mohit Saraogi, one of the leading IVF doctor in Mumbai, you should undergo fertility testing as soon as possible if you are having issues getting pregnant or if you have pelvic inflammatory disease, irregular periods, frequent miscarriages, endometriosis,or prior cancer treatment. Early diagnosis increases your chances of having a successful treatment.
Age is very crucial when it comes to fertility. So, if you are below 35 and have no success at conceiving after a year of trying, consult a doctor. If you are above 35 and have been unsuccessfully trying for six months, talk to your doctor, and if you are 40 plus, then visit your doctor without wasting time.
Low egg reserve is diagnosed through blood tests that measure anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). These hormones are vital for menses and reproduction.
Women having low ovarian reserve will have greater levels of FSH and lower levels of AMH compared to other women their age. The AMH levels decrease as you age, and the FSH levels increase. So, the doctor will analyze the hormone levels according to your age.
Further, the doctor may perform a transvaginal ultrasound to check the number of follicles.
What are the treatment options for low ovarian reserve?
Please do not lose hope if you have been diagnosed with low egg reserve. With the help of advanced reproductive medicines and procedures, it is possible to conceive with your own eggs. But remember, early diagnosis offers higher chances of conceiving.
Once it is confirmed that you have a low ovarian reserve, your doctor may advise you to preserve your eggs. The doctor will remove the eggs from your ovaries and will freeze them. Cryopreserving your eggs will allow you to conceive with your eggs later on. However, the younger you are, your eggs are more viable, thus increasing the chances of successful treatment.
Your doctor may recommend you to try in vitro fertilization at the earliest. High doses of hormone medications are given to stimulate your ovaries to produce more eggs, which are then retrieved when matured and fertilized outside your body. The fertilized eggs (embryos) are then transferred to your uterus.
However, if you face multiple IVF failures due to a very low egg reserve or poor ovarian response, you can opt for donor eggs to get pregnant. Using donor eggs from young women increases your chances of a successful pregnancy.
The treatment for low ovarian reserve depends on your personal choice and situation. For more clarity on this subject and to discuss fertility options, you can visit Dr. Mohit Saraogi, an accomplished gynecologist and IVF doctor in Mumbai.