Age is just a number!
Well, this is not true in the case of pregnancy!
The chances of pregnancy decrease with increasing age. With increasing age, women become less fertile.
For various reasons, one may decide to postpone their pregnancy. But the decision to postpone pregnancy can turn very expensive! It can cause difficulties in pregnancy and can break one’s dreams of giving birth to a child. It can stop one from getting their biggest joy- their child. Yes, postponing joys is like saying no to joys. So, it is essential to get pregnant at a younger age if you wish to turn your dream into reality and if you wish to receive the biggest joy of your life. Getting pregnant at the right age is necessary if you don’t want things to go wrong! Getting pregnant at the right age is necessary if you wish to experience the life of a mother and wish to live the beautiful phase of parenthood.
So, older women can never get pregnant?
Well, as it is said that nothing is impossible, IVF treatment from the best IVF doctor in Mumbai can help older women to get pregnant. IVF treatment is a ray of hope for older women and helps them to turn their dream of becoming a mother into a reality! But still getting pregnant at a younger age is advisable.
But why does the fertility rate of women decrease with increasing age?
As women get older, their eggs too get older and decrease in quality. Also, as age increases, the number of eggs decreases. Due to the low quantity and quality of eggs, the fertility rate decreases, and the chances of pregnancy becomes less. As women age, their eggs also age, and older eggs cause complications in pregnancy and decrease the chances of pregnancy.
We are born with all the eggs. But as we grow older, the number of eggs reduces which in turn reduces the fertility rate. Even if one gets pregnant at an older age, they will likely have complications in their pregnancy or give birth to a defective baby.
Also, older women are more likely to have problems like endometriosis and uterine fibroids that make it difficult for women to get pregnant.
But as mentioned before, there are treatment options for older women that can help them to get pregnant.
And one such option is IVF treatment from an IVF specialist in Mumbai.
IVF (In Vitro fertilization) is a technique used to treat fertility issues and help one to get pregnant. In this procedure, the fertilization of an egg with sperm takes place in a laboratory. Then these fertilized eggs are placed into the uterus of the woman. But since the eggs of older women are low in quality, it is advisable to use donor eggs of younger women. Using donor eggs of younger women can increase the chances of pregnancy in older women.
Is IVF treatment option 100% effective for older women?
Old age is one of the biggest causes of infertility. IVF treatment or no other treatment can remove this cause completely. Yes, IVF treatment is surely a ray of hope for older women, but it doesn’t guarantee 100% success. IVF treatment in Mumbai to some extent does overcome the age barrier, but still, it isn’t able to overcome it completely. Old age is still one of the biggest barriers to pregnancy!
fertility rate and thus it becomes difficult for older women to conceive. In such cases, IVF treatment from the best IVF doctor in Mumbai can help to some extent and increase the chances of pregnancy. But still, it is advisable to get pregnant at a younger age. The chances of pregnancy decrease in women after the age of 35. So, if you wish to have a young angel in your life, being young is essential! The fertility rate is higher in younger women. So, are you a young woman in your 20s? Then this is the right age to welcome the biggest joy of your life- your child! This is the right age to make your dream of having a child a reality! If you say a no to your joy and dream today, they will say a no to you tomorrow! So, it is essential to say a yes to your joy and dream today, if you wish to have a joyous and not a sorrowful tomorrow! So, visit an IVF specialist in Mumbai today for a beautiful tomorrow!