Failures are a part of life!
Everyone goes through failures!
It is normal!
But what about repeated failures?
Repeated failures are indeed heart-breaking!
And especially when one experiences repeated pregnancy failure!
Every woman dreams to become a mother! Becoming a mother is one of the most special moments in a woman’s life.
To see this dream and moment get ruined again and again is indeed painful for every woman.
But brooding over the failure isn’t the solution to the problem!
Instead of focusing on the problem, it is time to focus on the solution!
Instead of grieving over the failure, it is time to learn from the failure!
It is time to understand the reason behind repeated pregnancy failure and correct them so that pregnancy doesn’t fail the next time.
It is not the time to give up on your dream of becoming a mother, but it is the time to give up on the path that you are walking on! Because walking on the same path makes you reach the same destination- pregnancy failure! So, it is essential to change your path to change your destination and to reach your desired destination- the destination where you become a mother!
So, what path will take you to your desired destination?
The best IVF doctor in Mumbai is the path to your desired destination. The best IVF doctor in Mumbai is the path to your dream of becoming a mother. So, now is the time to walk on the path of your dream! Now is not the time to give up and take a step backward, but now is the time to take a step forward towards your dream by visiting the best IVF doctor in Mumbai. There are a variety of treatments provided by the IVF specialist in Mumbai that can get you closer to your dream of becoming a mother such as IVF, IUI, and ICSI. Before we discuss these treatment options in detail, first let us understand the causes of repeated pregnancy failure.
What causes repeated pregnancy failure?
According to an IVF specialist in Mumbai, the following are some of the common causes of repeated pregnancy failure-
- Irregularities in chromosomes: Faulty or mismatched chromosomes are an important cause of repeated pregnancy failure. Irregularities in chromosomes can have a negative impact on the development of the embryo which in turn leads to pregnancy failure. So, it is important to check and correct the chromosomal irregularities to have a healthy and successful pregnancy.
- Issues in the cervix and uterine: Some women have an abnormally shaped uterus. This can lead to implantation and pregnancy failures. Issues in the cervix can make it difficult for the cervix to keep the fetus within thus leading to pregnancy failure.
- Immunological disorders: Sometimes, the immune system of a woman rejects the sperm and embryo. This can lead to pregnancy failure.
- Diabetes and thyroid: Conditions such as diabetes and thyroid increase the risk of pregnancy failure. So, to avoid repeated pregnancy failure, it is crucial to first treat conditions such as diabetes and thyroid.
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome): PCOS is a condition that occurs when a woman releases surplus testosterone which in turn leads to irregular menstruation and ovulation. PCOS also leads to insulin resistance. This causes a delay in the maturation of the endometrial lining. PCOS is one of the major causes of repeated pregnancy failure. Thus, the problem of PCOS should be addressed as early as possible to have a successful pregnancy.
- Lifestyle factors: Women who smoke and drink excessively are at a higher risk of experiencing pregnancy failure. So, it is advisable to avoid smoking and alcohol, especially during the pregnancy phase.
The above are some of the common factors that lead to repeated pregnancy failure. Instead of grieving over the pregnancy failure, it is advisable to understand and correct the cause of your pregnancy failure so that you don’t experience pregnancy failure the next time. It is essential to treat the cause of your pregnancy failure to reach a different destination- the destination where you become a mother and not the destination of pregnancy failure.
Are you experiencing repeated pregnancy failure?
Don’t get disheartened! There is a solution for every problem. You can change the destination by changing the path. By taking the path of IVF, IUI, or ICSI, you can reach your desired destination- the destination where you become a mother and avoid the destination of pregnancy failure. You can get the best IVF, ICSI, and IUI treatment from the best and the most experienced IVF doctor in Mumbai. Each of the treatment options is explained below-
- IVF treatments: In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment that involves combining sperm and eggs in a lab. The quality of the resultant embryos is determined, and one or more are implanted into the uterus via the cervix. For infertile couples, IVF treatment is a blessing.
- IUI (intrauterine insemination) treatment: IUI (intrauterine insemination) is a relatively straightforward fertility procedure. It can be carried out with or without the use of fertility medications. The treatment entails inserting a thin catheter into the uterus and transferring semen that has been cleaned in a specific way directly into the uterus.
- ICSI: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a laboratory process in which an individual sperm is inserted directly into an egg during IVF treatment. If there is a difficulty with sperm quality or quantity, this can aid achieve fertilization during regular IVF treatment.
- Fertility tests such as PGD and PGS also help in reducing the risk of pregnancy failure by assuring that only the healthiest and the best-quality embryos get deposited in the uterus.
Repeated pregnancy failure isn’t the time to lose hope and give up on your dreams!
Instead, it is the time to find new hope and get closer to your dream by doing infertility treatments such as IVF or IUI from the best IVF doctor in Mumbai! Yes, treatments such as IVF and IUI give a new hope and take you closer to your dream of becoming a mother.
So, now is the time to take a step closer to your dream by visiting the best IVF specialist in Mumbai!