Don’t consider failure as an end but an opportunity to mend!
Failure doesn’t mean that it is the time to give up on your dreams, but it means that it is the time to give up on the path that you are currently walking on!
Failure doesn’t mean that you need to change your dreams, but it means that you need to change the path of your dream!
Do you have a dream to become a mother but have had recurrent implant failure?
Don’t lose hope! Because losing hope makes you lose your dream! Recurrent implant failure is not what makes you lose your dream but losing hope is what makes you lose your dream! So, even after a recurrent implant failure, do not lose hope! Because losing hope will make you lose the battle against infertility!
Don’t take recurrent implant failure as a failure but a learning experience! Know why you had a recurrent implant failure and take necessary actions so that you avoid implant failure the next time! Do not change your dreams but change your path to your dream! Don’t make recurrent implant failure a reason for not achieving your dream instead make it a reason for achieving your dream! You can do this by learning the cause of recurrent implant failure and taking the necessary steps to avoid implant failure the next time and to achieve your dream of becoming a mother! Don’t let recurrent implant failure be the source of grief but make it a source of learning! And for that to happen, you first need to understand the causes of recurrent implant failure.
But before we get to the causes, first let us understand a little more about recurrent implant failure.
What actually is recurrent implantation failure?
Recurrent implantation failure is when you have had 4 or more unsuccessful implantations even after the previous steps of IVF were successful. In IVF, after the sperm and eggs are fertilized in the laboratory, the fertilized eggs or the embryo is placed into the woman’s womb for implantation. But sometimes, fertilized embryo fails to get implanted, and this leads to implantation failure and failed pregnancy attempts.
What causes repeated pregnancy failure?

Recurrent implantation failure can be caused by a variety of reasons such as follows-
- Poor egg quality: Lower the quality of eggs, higher the chances of implant failure. Low-quality eggs are an obstacle to a successful pregnancy. Usually, low-quality eggs are found in older women. Thus, it is advisable to avoid pregnancy in old age and instead try to deliver a baby at a young age.
- Uterine receptivity issues: Hormonal imbalance, anatomical flaws, endometrial lining issues, uterine position changes, etc. are some of the causes of implant failure. These issues need to be addressed and treated to have a successful pregnancy and avoid recurrent implantation failure.
- Genetic problems: Genetic defects and chromosomal abnormalities can cause implant failure. So, it is necessary to perform tests that help reveal the genetic defects in the embryo thus preventing an unsuccessful pregnancy to happen.
- Factors related to lifestyle: Weight issues such as being either underweight or overweight both have an impact on the success of pregnancy. Underweight as well as overweight women are more prone to face recurrent implantation failure. Even unhealthy habits like smoking can cause implant failure and reduce the chances of a successful pregnancy.
- Sperm issues: Problems in sperm due to genetic defects in sperm DNA can also lead to recurrent implantation failure.
How can one avoid recurrent implantation failure?
As mentioned earlier, one can avoid recurrent implantation failure by knowing the reason why implant failure happened and learning from it by taking suitable actions to avoid implant failure the next time. So, as we now know the causes of implant failure, we can avoid recurrent implantation failure by treating the cause of implant failure. If the cause of implant failure is weight, then one can take the necessary steps to keep their weight in check and avoid recurrent implantation failure. In the same way, if the cause of implant failure is due to hormonal imbalance or other factors mentioned above, one can take necessary steps to correct and treat them to avoid implant failure the next time.
Different tests such as the endometrial receptivity test (ERA) also help avoid implant failure by checking whether our endometrial lining is ready to take the embryo. This test also helps determine the right time for implantation thus helps increase the success rate of pregnancy.
Recurrent implantation failure isn’t an end to your dreams! So, don’t get dejected! Don’t treat it as a loss but treat it as a gain by learning from it and understanding why it happened. And taking necessary measures to avoid such implant failures the next time. Don’t treat it as an obstacle to your dreams but treat it as an important step to help you reach your dream. You can do this by learning the reason for implant failure and treating it to avoid recurrent implant failure and to achieve your dream of becoming a mother. By doing this, you will make recurrent implantation failure a boon and not a bane! As it will help you take a step forward and get you closer to your dream instead of making you take a step backward by causing you to give up!
Recurrent implantation failure is a sign that does not tell you to give up on your dreams, but it is a sign that tells you to give up on the unhealthy habits that cause implant failure!
So, now is the time to not give up and get farther from your dreams but instead now is the time to get closer to your dreams by understanding and treating the cause of your recurrent implant failure!
And you can do this by visiting the best gynecologist in Mumbai!
Don’t let recurrent implantation failure make you take a step away from your dream by making you give up on your dreams. Instead, let it make you take a step closer to your dream by encouraging you to visit an experienced gynecologist in Mumbai for treating your implant failure problem and its cause.
So, now is the time to take a step closer to your dream and not a step away from your dream!
Now is the time to visit the best gynecologist in Mumbai for treating recurrent implantation failure and its cause which in turn will help you get a step closer to your dream of becoming a mother!