Usually, we’ve always heard and seen signs that indicate “danger ahead”! For example, abnormalities and symptoms that indicate that a person is suffering from some medical issue.
Like, breathlessness, fever, cough are the symptoms of the corona.
High sugar levels, fatigue, vision problems are the symptoms of diabetes. Such symptoms usually mean a danger signal.
But not all symptoms indicate danger.
Certain signs and symptoms indicate “good news ahead”! For example, some signs are seen after embryo transfer. These signs are not a sign of worry but a sign of joy! They mean good news is on the way!
But what are these positive signs seen after embryo transfer that indicate positive news is on the way?
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The following are the common signs noticed after embryo transfer that indicate that the chances of pregnancy are high.
- Bleeding: After an embryo transfer, are you experiencing bleeding? Then, congratulations! Soon, you are going to meet the angel of your life-your baby! Bleeding is one of the signs of pregnancy. But it isn’t always a sign of a successful embryo transfer. It could be because of implantation or because of progesterone (a hormonal drug).
- Sore breasts: Have your breasts become swollen or softer? Then don’t worry! This is a positive sign of embryo transfer. But swollen breasts aren’t always a sign of pregnancy! It can also be a side effect of hormonal drugs such as progesterone.
- Delayed periods: Usually, delayed, and irregular periods are a matter of concern and they are a sign of a serious issue. But not when they are experienced after embryo transfer! Delayed periods after an embryo transfer are a positive sign and indicate a high chance of pregnancy. Delayed periods after an embryo transfer are actually a blessing in disguise!
- Cramping: Are you experiencing severe cramping? Then visit an IVF doctor in Mumbai immediately! Not because it is a sign of danger but because it is a sign of joy. Yes, severe cramping after embryo transfer is an auspicious sign and indicates a higher chance of pregnancy.
- Tiredness: Usually, tiredness is a symptom of serious medical issues! But tiredness after embryo transfer is a symptom of good news! Tiredness is something that is very common in pregnant women.
- Vaginal discharge: After an embryo transfer, if you notice an increase in the frequency of white and odorless vaginal discharge, then the time to welcome the biggest joy of your life-your baby is going to come soon!
- Asymptomatic: Even if you don’t experience any symptoms, don’t worry! The good news doesn’t always come by knocking on the door. Sometimes, it just comes without knocking on the door or without giving any sign! So, don’t lose hope! It is even possible that your pregnancy test will be positive even when you experience no symptoms of pregnancy. So, stay positive, you may never know you might get positive news soon!
Are you experiencing any of the symptoms discussed above after embryo transfer?
Congratulations! Good news is likely on the way! And soon your dream of giving birth to a baby is going to turn into reality!
Even if you are not experiencing the symptoms, don’t worry! Wait for the pregnancy tests! It might show positive, you never know!
But what if it showed negative?
There is never a last chance! The last chance is only when we give up! So, don’t give up!
Keep trying, you will surely succeed! Seek help from an IVF doctor in Mumbai. This can get you closer to your dream of becoming a mother! And most importantly, stay positive! Surround yourself with positive people and the environment to get positive news! Do not lose hope to win your baby! Embrace positivity to embrace your baby. Walk on the journey of positivity to reach the destination of positivity and happiness and make your dream of giving birth to a baby come true.
Hope this article made you understand the positive signs after embryo transfer. These signs are a light of hope that brighten our lives by giving us the happiness of our life-our baby! But even when you don’t notice these signs, don’t let darkness such as despair and sadness be present in your life. At such times, turn on the light of hope and positivity within to eradicate the darkness and replace it with brightness and happiness! Yes, the light of hope and positivity even when the signs are not present or even when the pregnancy results show negative, can brighten your life with the biggest joy of your life- your baby! So, don’t lose hope and keep trying by visiting the best IVF centre in Mumbai! The good news might be just a visit away, you never know!