Egg Donation Treatment in Mumbai
Egg donation is a segment of fertility treatment utilized by women who cannot conceive using their eggs. It is the process of extracting eggs from the uterus of a healthy and genetically tested woman, fertilizing the eggs with the sperms in the lab (in vitro fertilization) then implanting the fertilized eggs in the patient’s uterus.
Saraogi Hospital is one of the best IVF centre in Mumbai. They recommend egg donation treatment in Mumbai to women who have difficulties conceiving with their eggs due to some reproductive issues or conditions.
Keep reading to know more about the egg donation treatment in Mumbai.
First, let’s know,
Who is suitable for using a donor egg treatment?
- Women who cannot produce eggs due to reasons such as age or untimely menopause.
- Women who have a low possibility of success in getting pregnant utilizing their eggs.
- Women who are diagnosed with fertility challenges.
- Women with eggs carrying a risk of hereditary disorder.
- Women with impaired ovaries due to some medical treatments such as cancer treatment.
How much is the egg donation treatment cost in Mumbai?
Now, let’s see the,
Application of IVF with Donor Eggs
In IVF with egg donation, eggs donated by a donor are used. The woman who donates her egg is known as the egg donor. And the woman who receives the fertilized eggs is known as the recipient.
What are the steps of IVF using a donor egg?
The process of egg donation and implantation is similar to conventional IVF treatment. After a thorough examination, the woman receiving the donor egg will need a course of hormonal medications to set her for fertilized egg (embryo).
If her ovaries are functional, she will need progesterone and estrogen treatments to make her cycle concur precisely with the donor.
Further, the donor is also treated with hormones to induce superovulation. When the egg donor is ready, the eggs are recovered and treated with the husband’s sperm.
After a few days, the resulting embryos are implanted in the recipient’s uterus, and then she will continue on hormones for about ten weeks. Further, the IVF doctor monitors the recipient for signs of pregnancy.
Let’s know the Types of Egg donors
1. Known Egg Donors
Known egg donors are women known to the recipient couple like a relative or friend. There are several benefits of having someone you know provide the eggs for yourIVF procedure, like knowing the eggs’ genetic origin and shorter waiting period. The egg donor will have to visit the clinic with the intended couple for the entire procedure.
2. Clinic-recruited donor
When an egg donor is unknown to a couple, it is called a clinic-recruited egg donor. In this case, the recipient woman has never met the egg donor. Also, the egg donor has the choice to remain anonymous to the recipient.
In most cases, frozen eggs from the egg bank are used, or the fertility clinic will recruit the egg donor. In a way, this reduces a couple of insecurities as the egg donor is not known to them, and the agreement is entirely between the fertility clinic and them.
How are the egg donors screened for donation?
Now, let’s understand, The process of choosing the egg donor
At Saraogi Hospital, our IVF doctor in Mumbai will explain the entire procedure of using donor eggs with IVF. You can select a suitable egg donor from the potential egg donors as per your choice. The clinic will provide you information about the egg donors like:
- Her age
- Height
- Skin and hair color
- Medical history
- Ethnicity
- Education background and lifestyle
- Family history
- IQ level
If you prefer using frozen eggs, our IVF specialist will select the best eggs for your IVF procedure.
What is the success rate of IVF with donor eggs treatment?
With the advancement in fertility treatment, using donor eggs for IVF is gaining higher success rates than before. It has helped women above 40 years attain safe pregnancies and parenthood through ART procedures.
The success rate of IVF with donor eggs also relies on the quality of the donated eggs. It also depends on the IVF centre protocols to obtain high-quality embryos that can easily implant once transferred to the womb.
What are the advantages of undergoing IVF using donor eggs treatment?
Some of the advantages of using donor eggs are:
- You can experience pregnancy and maternal feelings that are not possible in surrogacy and adoption.
- If the sperm used in IVF is of your partner’s, then the child is biologically his.
- You will be able to breastfeed the child, which will help build a natural bond between the child and the mother
- Also, the donors are physically matched with the recipient couples in terms of hair and eye colour.
Let Saraogi Hospital assist you in conceiving a child through egg donation treatment in Mumbai. Contact us and plan a consultation with our fertility specialist.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q.1: Do egg donors have parental rights?
Q.2: Will the baby have the egg donor’s DNA?
Yes, as the baby’s DNA will only develop from the egg donor and the sperm provider. Though you will not share any genetic information with the child, you will be the baby’s birth mother.
Q.3: How long is the donor egg process?
An egg donation cycle takes three to six months to complete, from initial screening to the actual egg retrieval and embryo transfer, based on the type of egg donation program the recipient chooses.
Q.4: Is egg donation a painful process?
Q.5: Can egg donors have babies in the future?
Yes. The egg donation procedure doesn’t affect the egg donor’s future ability to conceive babies. Women are born with nearly two million eggs. Every month, a group of eggs enters the maturation phase, but the body chooses only one egg each cycle to ovulate while the body absorbs the rest.